This is the home page of the library of books
available from
our Inca authors. There will be a new one showcased every so often if
you would like to revisit the site. We don't sell direct from here
anymore, but if you would like signed copies, please
contact the project via the cunningly obfuscated address: enquiries at incaproject
dot co period uk, or via the Inca Project
Facebook site or from individual links on the books by some
authors. If you come through the Inca Project, we will get the authors to contact you to arrange
signatures, payment
and shipment. This may take a little longer than ordering direct,
but you can chat with the polymaths themselves and maybe get some
background to their brilliance.
We have split the books into various genres, but some cover several, so do look around at the various shelves to save missing anything. All books have been read and checked by the Inca project team, so you will have an
excellent standard of material to browse. We hope you find something
you like.

Cailin J Callaghan
Rise in Lucidity and Master Anxiety
Literally everything the aspirant needs to
Liberate themselves from the dream of captivity
to the world they unconsciously made, RISE will
take your power to control anxiety, OCD,
intrusive thoughts, and PTSD to its highest
level as you attain Lucidity. RISE is a field
guide to Earth Venue that will turn your
perceptions inside out and right side
up--revealing the world as the ultimate lab or
gym in which to exercise Lucidity and attain
Mastery of your mind and your subjective